Friday, October 19, 2012

come cold

so in honor of the crappy weather we've been having lately, and the fact that i am starting to pack myself into michelin-man style outewear whenever i walk the dog, i decided to do like every other blogger; make a coat-hunt-collage. 
the coat season has truly kicked in, summer turned into fall in like 45 minutes, and fall is turning into a bitch of a winter, i can tell. probably not the winter everyone hopes for, white and beautiful, but rainy, wet and pissingly cold. so far, instead of looking for a new winter coat, I have been postponing my hunt to do some daydreaming instead. My mind waders off the the stunning beaches of asia, and winter coats are very far from that picture. BUT! reality hits me every time I make the mistake of looking in the mirror before i leave out for the dog walking. i can simply not look like that any more, all bum'ish in my mom's old down-jackets and whatnot.

i need a new winter coat. and that's something worth investing in, right?

I found some nice ones in this seasons light colors.

i also found some pretty cool ones in the dark section. i can't seem to stay away from the blacks can i? i have a black heart... my heart beats especially fast for that Mango lamb fur jacket. i predict a must-have developing!
any faves? please share if you lay in with other cool winter coat sources.

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